Friday, 19 October 2007


hello, originally uploaded by Knitwit..

For my latest college project I am sourcing yarns from the UK. Today I visited a lady who breeds alpacas and spins their fleeces to make the most beautiful yarn. The yarn is so soft and silky .

Alpaca facts:

* Young alpacas are called 'Cria' and adult males are called 'Machos'.

* Alpacas like to hang out with other family members. Young alpacas can get stressed if separated from their mothers.

* They live for 15 to 20 years

* Alpaca dung is good for the garden.

* There are two different breeds 'Huacaya' and 'Suri'. Suri alpacas have long silky dreadlocks and Huacayas look a bit like teddy bears.

* There are 22 different colours of alpaca fleece.

* They are amazingly super cute and if you look into their beautiful big dreamy eyes you are bound to fall in love with them - I know I did.


alabama whirly said...

cough, cough, see us here knitwit!

iant said...

wotcha. can I invite myself along next time you go to see them?